Find Peace in Forgiveness

Forgiveness & Inner Healing Session

Imagine being FREE from regrets, disappointment, bitterness and anger.
Imagine feeling LIGHTER, experiencing deeper LOVE and laughing more.
Imagine having STRONGER boundaries and relationships.

These are all REAL blessings you receive when you make the decision to FORGIVE.

This may not be the easiest decision you’ll ever make, but I guarantee it will be the BEST one!
One of the most common objections to forgiving is “I am not ready,” That’s ok! Because when I walk you through forgiveness, Jesus is always ready and He is part of the process we’ll do together.

I can try to tell you how yummy chocolate cake is, but you must taste it for yourself in order to know its goodness.
“Taste and see that the Lord is good.” Psalm 34:8

It would be my honor and joy to guide you through an inner healing session that heals wounds caused by yours or others’ actions.

Praise Report

Coaching with Susan yielded so many benefits! I shifted my world perspective from a survival focus to a creation focus, increased my confidence to make excellent decisions; developed the ability to quickly recover from mistakes; restored my capacity for peace and my communication is clearer.  I am grateful for our time together! 

– Shanaal Smothers